Outreach Delivery Services


Click here for our current Outreach Delivery Services brochure.

Click here for an Outreach/Homebound Delivery Request Form (Please return to the library's front desk.)

Monthly delivery of library materials is available to residents of Maple Crest, Mennonite Memorial Home, and Willow Ridge.  Bluffton Public Library also delivers to patrons living within the Bluffton school district who are unable to leave their homes due to a variety of reasons.  

Outreach patrons may receive regular print books, large print books, books on CD, books on mp3 player (Playaways), magazines, etc.-- and all in a variety of genres!  Through the SEO library consortium, staff are able to request materials from other libraries to be utilized by outreach patrons for a month at a time, and our Public Services Coordinator chooses these materials by author, genre, theme, or by many other specifications our outreach patrons specify.  On a specified date each month, each outreach patron will receive their delivery at their home or at their room within the above living facilities.

To express interest in receiving this free community service, please call 419-358-5016 or email psc@blufftonpubliclibrary.org.  You may also reach out to the Activities Coordinator at your living facility (or the living facility of your loved one).

Want to assist with library materials delivery?  Visit our volunteer page for more information about how you can help!  



Homebound Delivery Services