Digital Book Displays and Lists


Thoughtful Conversations Series. Read. Learn. Grow. Bluffton Public Library logo. Interested in our current topic? Request a book bundle to keep learning!


We know there is a lot happening right now, and there are many conversations to be had as family, friends, communities, and neighbors.  With this ongoing series, we'll be focusing on parts of the library's collection to help support your conversations at home and with others. A community that supports and respects each other creates citizens who inspire and support each other. Click on each subject below to peruse the list of titles:

Two pictures of library books on shelves. Text: Display Bundles Series. Do you miss browsing library displays? Need some ideas for items to place on hold? Visit for digital library displays. Get ideas for library materials and place holds right from our website. Click on a title and it will take you right to our online catalog!


Do you miss browsing displays? Good news! We’ve created some display book bundles, based on what would have been displayed during this month. You can either request a pre-made bundle or “build your own” from one of our reading lists! Click on each subject below to peruse the list of titles:

Click here for Read-Alike Resources

Click here for "Joanne Reads," book reviews from Joanne Niswander