Placing a Hold on an Item Available at Bluffton Public Library


If you know how to place a hold on a Bluffton Public Library material that is currently available on our shelves, feel free to visit our catalog here and place your hold now:


If not, we have provided instructions below to help. Clicking on the images will enlarge them for easier viewing.

  • When you reach our online catalog, make sure the drop down menu shows "Bluffton Public Library" as selected. If it isn't, click on the down arrow to show you more options, and then click Bluffton Public Library. 

  • Once you make sure you're only searching Bluffton Public Library materials, then you may complete your search. Type in an author, title, or subject, and then either click "Search" or hit enter on your keyboard.

  • You will see a list of results from your search, and you may scroll through this list to find the item you'd like to request. However, be sure to check and make sure that it says "1 Copy Available at Bluffton Public Library" at the bottom of the result's details as in the image above.

  • For more information about an item, click on its title and details will open in a pop-up window. You can see the series information (if applicable), the subject and genre information, and if you click on "More About This Title" near the bottom, you may see a synopsis and suggested read-alikes. The information in the table at the bottom lets you know that the intended audience of this item is adults, and it's currently in the new items section. If the item is not available right now, it will explain under "Status." It may show its next due date if it's checked out, or it may read "Being transferred between libraries," "Holds," etc.

  • Once you find the material you'd like to request and you confirm that the item is available, you can place it on hold! Click "Place on Hold," enter your library card number and PIN, click "Log In," and then "Place Hold." If you see "Success" under "Action," your request is sent and a library staff member will collect that item for you. Please wait for a notification that the item is ready before scheduling your pickup. 
  • When the item is ready for you, you will receive either a phone call, text, or email (as you specified when you signed up for a library card), or you can view the status of your hold by clicking "My Account" and then "Holds." If you see the word "Pending" next to the item you placed on hold, then your item is not yet available for pick up
  • Once your item is available, schedule a day and time to pick up using our "Curbside Pickup" Form. 

If you still need assistance placing a hold, please email